Appointy allows you to restrict people from booking appointments with you depending on your business requirements. You can set a limit on the number of appointments each client can book with you within a specified time frame.
Booking limit per Customer
By default, we allow all your clients to book unlimited appointments with you. If you want to restrict clients from booking with you within a specified time frame, select ‘Not allowed’ under the ‘Bookings Allowed’ field title.
You can set the number of appointments allowed to be booked based on a frequency by selecting ‘Custom’ under the ‘Bookings Allowed’ field title. Specify the number of bookings, frequency and the time frame.
Here’s how you can set up booking restrictions for your customers:
Quick Nav — (Settings → Booking Restrictions → Enable the toggle button against 'Booking Limit per Customer' → Set up booking limit, frequency and restriction dates)
- Log into your Appointy admin panel.
. - Click on the ‘Settings’ icon in the toolbar appearing on the left.
. - Go to the ‘Booking Restrictions’ tab under the ‘Customer Booking Rules’ section.
. - Enable the toggle button against 'Booking Limit per Customer'.
. - Enter the booking limit, frequency and restriction time frame.
. - Click on ‘Save’ after you finish setting up the booking limit.
Note: Booking limit is a business level setting and will be applied to all your clients. If you want to add booking restriction against a specific client, here’s how you can do it.