The advanced search option allows you to filter your reports based on specific conditions. These may include service name, staff name, appointment status, arrival status, customer username, discount coupons, gift certificates, add-ons, customer tags or any other custom information stored in your database.
Here’s how you can use the ‘Advanced Search’ option to filter your reports:
Quick Nav — (Reports → Open the report that you want to view from the ‘Reports’ section → From the set of icons appearing on the top-right, click on the leftmost binocular-like icon → Select the filter from the ‘Filter Appointments by’ pop-up window → Click on ‘Apply’)
- Log into your Appointy admin panel.
. - Click on the ‘Reports’ icon in the toolbar appearing on the left.
. - Open the report that you want to view from the ‘Reports’ section.
. - Click on the leftmost binocular-like icon from the set of icons appearing at the top-right corner of the screen.
. - In the ‘Filter Appointments by’ pop-up window, select the filter and click on ‘Apply’.
You will see that the report will be filtered based on the condition that you have applied.