Add-ons are surely a great way to make extra money from your clients when they book appointments with you. Add-ons can be anything like an add-on service or an add-on product.
Here’s how you can add add-ons along to your services:
Quick Nav — (Settings → Add-ons → Click on ‘Add Add-on’ → Enter add-on details in the ‘New Add-on’ side panel → Click on ‘Add’ → Click on ‘Save Changes’)
- Log into the Appointy admin panel.
. - Click on the ‘Settings’ icon in the toolbar appearing on the left.
. - Go to the ‘Add-on’ tab under the ‘Customization’ section.
. - Click on the ‘Add Add-on’ button appearing on the ‘Add-ons’ window.
. - Enter the add-on details in the ‘New Add-on’ side panel and select the services to which the add-on needs to be added.
. - Click on the ‘Add’ button in the ‘New Add-on’ side panel and then click on ‘Save Changes’ in the ‘Add-ons’ window.
Similarly, you can add more add-ons and link it with the services you want.