In Appointy, you can view the availability of your staff and services in one single format and compare the availability of staff members and services. This gives you a better visibility of the availability of your staff and services in just one go.
Here’s how to view the business hours of staff and services, all at once:
Quick Nav — (Settings → Business Hours)
- Log into the Appointy admin panel.
. - Click on the ‘Settings’ icon in the toolbar appearing on the left.
. - Go to the ‘Business Hours’ tab under the ‘Resource Management’ section.
. - The ‘Business Hours’ window will appear. You can change the view from the set of icons appearing beside the ‘Business Hours’ title.
By default, you will find the ‘Staff’ view selected. You can view the regular as well as irregular availability of your staff by switching between the ‘Regular’ and ‘Irregular’ tab appearing at the top-right. At the left, below the ‘Business Hours’ title, you have a button to select the service for which you want to view the staff’s availability.
Similarly, when you change to ‘Service’ view, you can view the regular as well as irregular availability of the service by switching between the ‘Regular’ and ‘Irregular’ tab. You can select a staff member by clicking on the button below ‘Business Hours’ title.
The rightmost icon beside the ‘Business Hours’ title is the ‘List View’ which displays the irregular availability of the services filtered by staff members in a list format.