In Appointy, you can segregate your services into service categories. This helps you to not only view and manage your service list better but also makes it easy for your clients to find and book services with you on your client’s booking interface.
You can add service categories, add services to it and easily drag and drop services into categories as and when required.
Quick Nav — (Settings → Service → Click on ‘+ Add Category’ appearing at the top-right corner → Add service category name in the ‘Add new category’ pop-up window → Click on ‘Save’)
- Log into the Appointy admin panel.
. - Click on the ‘Settings’ icon in the toolbar appearing on the left.
. - Click on ‘Service’ tab under the ‘Resource Management’ section to view your services.
. - In the ‘Service’ window, click on ‘+ Add Category’ appearing at the top-right corner.
. - Add the service name in the ‘Add new category’ pop-up window.
. - Click on the ‘Save’ button.