Here's how you can create a discount coupon with 'Terms and Conditions':
Quick Nav — (Marketing → Discount Coupons → Click on ‘+ Discount Coupon’ → ‘Discount Coupon’ window pops-up → Add discount coupon details in the ‘Discount Coupon’ pop-up window → Click on the ‘Edit’ link against ‘Terms and Conditions’ to set the terms → Add the details of the terms as per use → Click on ‘Create’)
You can create a discount coupon with terms which is applicable on either a specific service, staff member, time frame or in a combination of all.
- Log into the Appointy admin panel.
. - Click on the ‘Marketing’ icon in the toolbar appearing on the left.
. - Go to the ‘Discount Coupons’ tab under the ‘Marketing’ section.
. - Click on the ‘+ Discount Coupon’ appearing at the top-right corner of the window.
. - Add the details of the discount coupons including the discount coupon’s value and the discount coupon type.
. - Click on the ‘Edit’ link against ‘Terms and Conditions’ to set the coupon terms.
. - Add the details of the discount coupon terms as per use. The following are the ways you can create your discount coupon with terms:
- Discount on a particular service
- Discount on a particular service, staff member or both
- Discount on a particular service, staff member or both between a date range
- Discount on a particular service, staff member or both between a date range at certain times
- Discount on a particular service, staff member or both between a date range at a certain time for a particular client
- Discount on first booking
If you want to restrict your discount coupon staff-wise, day-wise or time-wise, click on ‘Advanced Settings’.
. - Click on ‘Create’.