Yes, you can certainly ask for desired details from the clients in form of a custom questionnaire. These custom questionnaire will be asked to the client at the time of booking.
Here's how to set it up:
- Login to your admin area.
- Go to SETTINGS>>CUSTOMIZE>>Customize Form (see image below)
1. Field name: Enter the question that needs to be asked from your clients
2. Service: You can either apply the question to a particular service or to all of your services.
3. Data type:
a) TEXT: It is free text area where the clients can answer whatever they want to. It is kind of answering to an open ended questions.
b) NUMBER: It is a numerical field, where you want your clients to field a number instead of text.
c) DATE: The clients can enter a date.
d) RADIO: Multiple options can be generated in the form of radio buttons. So the clients can choose the best possible choice from the options.
e) LIST: A list of option will appear. Clients can select form the dropdown.
f) CHECK BOX: Clients can tick mark on the check box to choose the desired option.
g) HEADING: It is used to show just a title or a heading
I) ADDRESS: With this you can Map the complete route from your location to client locations on a Google Map.
4 . Required: You can tick on the REQUIRED filed, to make the custom form mandatory
5. Add: Click on ADD link to add another custom form
Once you have all these setup, make sure to click SAVE.