If you are trying to block a repetitive days in Appointy, then here's the easiest and fastest way. All you need to do is create a repetieve event on Google calendar and sync it to your Appointy calendar. Following are the easy steps:
Step 1: On your Google calendar (that is linked with your Appointy calendar under SETTINGS>>INTEGRATIONS area) create an event. While creating it you will see a link to Edit Event
Step 2: Click on the EDIT EVENT link to get to the detailing page where you see option to check the event as REPEAT. Once you check it , a pop-up will appear giving you the options to define the recurring event type. You can choose it to repeat daily/weekly/monthly/yearly.
Step 3: Login to your Appointy admin area. Go to SETTINGS>>INTEGRATIONS>>Click on the Synchronize with google calendar link. You will see the repeat event on Appointy. Click on the Synchronize Button to confirm the sync.
Step 4: To crosscheck whether or not this repeat event was successfully blocked on your Appointy calendar. Go to the DAY view of your Appointy admin calendar>> Click on the STAFF name to receive STAFF SETTING OPTIONS.
Click on the Block Day/Time and you will land upon Future Unavailability tab. Scroll down to Times blocked From Google Calendar and there you will find the events synced from your Google calendar.
In case you have any issues setting it up, you can reach us at contact@appointy.com and our support officers will be happy to help you.