Here are the steps to troubleshoot availability
- Check Business Hours: See if that time comes under your Business Hours from SETTINGS-->BUSINESS HOURS.
- Check Existing Appointment: Check if any other appointment exist at that time.
- Check Blocked Times: Check if that time is not blocked for that particular staff. SETTINGS --> BUSINESS HOURS --> FUTURE UNAVAILABILITY
- Check Allowed Dates: Check if you have not set a date has the only allowed date for that particular staff. When you set a date as allowed, all the other block dates settings will over ride.
- Check Time Slot Settings: Check if your time slot settings is correct from SETTINGS--> BOOKING RULES. For example, if your time slot is set to 15 minutes and your service lasts for 20 minutes then your service will never show 10:20 AM if there is a booking at 10:00 AM. Technically, your service will last for 20 minutes and your settings say that you want to show time interval on 15 minutes scale so 10:20 will never be shown in this particular case.
- Check Appointment Lead Times : Go to SETTINGS--> BOOKING RULES-->Appointment lead and cancellation times and see if your lead time settings are correct.
- Check Precision scheduling setting: Check if you have enabled precision scheduling and the time showing as "Not Available" is within the range.
If still you have problems then please do not hesitate to contact our support at
Note: This question relates to "Time Availability". If you are not seeing the "Service" then probably that service is disabled or does not have Business Hours setup.