On Appointy the timezone is standard for both Admin and staff. The timezone is considered only at the time of booking from the client area. The appointments will always be booked in admin's timezone but there is a way where your staff can see Appointments in their timezone by using iCal feature. Here are the steps to generate iCal feeds for each staff.
Step 1: Login to your Staff area http://USERNAME.appointy.com/admin
Step 2: You will see an iCal button>> right click on it to copy the link URL (see the screenshot attached)>> This is a standard iCal URL corresponding to the respective staff's calendar.
Step 3: Copy the URL and Paste it on notepad (or a text editor)>> Add an extra parameter with & at end of URL i.e. Googleical=1&OffSetMin=n
- If the staff country is seeing Timezone offset, use &Googleical=1&OffSetMin=n,
(where n = timezone offset in minutes)
- If the staff country is not seeing Timezone offset, use ONLY &Googleical=1 as an extra parameter
Here's an example of the iCal URL
In the above URL you need to add the parameter shown below
Step 4: Copy the new URL(with extra parameter)
Step 5: From your Outlook Calendar menu bar, select “Tools” dropdown, followed by “Account Settings”
Step 6: Select the Internet Calendars Tab and click on the “New” button
Step 7: Paste the URL you copied in step #4 into the box using Ctrl+V or Paste command, then click “Add”
Step 8: A “Subscription Options” box will be displayed. Here you get the option to change the display name for your calendar and/or add a description.
Step 9: Click OK- to confirm
Step 10: Expand the “Other Calendars” section in your navigation pane and select the name of the calendar you just setup to view your website calendar. Use the arrows on your calendar tabs to merge/separate your website calendar with your standard Outlook calendar.
If you need any assistance in setting it up, please reach us at contact@appointy.com, and our support officers will be happy to assist.